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#5. Because no one will do it for you

When you publish in the traditional way, your agent will most likely deal with such pesky things as translation rights, finding the right translator, settling for the cheapest option, and ignoring comments about how the poor translation sucks. But since you are self-published, you have to take care of this side of the business – a side that can be very rewarding. All you need do is take one step forward.

#4. Because you are in control

As a self-published author contracting a translation, you follow the process more closely and have  clearer control over how your book gets translated. You develop a personal relationship with the translator without having to go through a third party who can slow the process down, meaning any questions or doubts the translator has are resolved quickly and clearly. As a result, the translation could be better than a commercial one.

#3. Because the time is right

Italian publishers are as fast as starving turtles when it comes to adapting to change. Less than half the books published in our country are available in ebook format, while many old titles are impossible to find online. The Italian ebook reader is dedicated and interested, but they need more books! This is where you come in, with your newly translated and more readily available ebook. You might even have more visibility than some of the Big Names who didn’t even receive an ebook version of their last translated book!

#2. Because no one knows you are there until you are there

While many people might say they understand English, most will have significant difficulties reading something written in a second (or lesser known) language. This will lead them to avoid non-translated authors, because reading should be a pleasure, not a toil. Add in the fact that most influential blogs don’t review foreign-language books and you’ll realize that you might have thousands of potential readers who don’t even know you exist. Having your book translated will open up a whole new world, to you and your new potential public.

#1. Because you can sell more books this way

Self-publishing is a business, and like every busines out there it demands and relies on sales. By restricting your books to your native language, you are ignoring potential markets in favor of… what? There is no upside in not having your book translated, and yet a lot of potential negatives. Sure, translations require investment, but once the ebook is available at online stores (tip: there is an Amazon.it), it will start generating money at no extra cost, and then will keep doing so forever. Once you break even, every cent earned is a cent you wouldn’t have if you hadn’t translated.


Please check out this page to see how I can help you, and feel free to Contact me! 😉